the better


the better


the better


the better

Because You Can

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You can contribute your time, skills and knowledge through volunteering with the UN.

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Thousands of teenagers will have school lessons in mindfulness in an experiment designed to see.

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Your donation to our organisation can help us offer more services to people and is a tax deduction.

Our Mission, Vision, and Core Values

Mission: Our mission is to provide comprehensive support and resources to refugees in Atlanta, fostering their integration, selfsufficiency, and well-being. In addition, we aim to guide their journey, helping, advocating, and empowering them every step of the way.

Vision: Our vision is a vibrant and inclusive Atlanta where refugees are welcomed, respected, and given equal opportunities to rebuild their lives. We envision a community that embraces diversity and understands refugees' invaluable contributions.

Core Values: Empathy: We approach our work compassionately, recognizing refugees' unique challenges and ensuring they receive the care and support they deserve. Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and actively seek partnerships with local organizations, community leaders, and government agencies to maximize our impact. Empowerment: We empower refugees by providing them with the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to succeed, fostering self-sufficiency and independence. Cultural Sensitivity: We celebrate and respect diverse cultures, valuing the richness and experiences refugees bring to our community. Advocacy: We advocate for the rights and well-being of refugees, raising awareness about their unique circumstances and working towards policy changes that promote inclusivity and support. Impact on the Atlanta Refugee Community: Over the past three years, our organization has significantly impacted the Atlanta refugee community. We have provided essential services such as language assistance, job training, education support, and access to healthcare. In addition, our efforts have helped refugees navigate complex government systems and connect with vital resources, ensuring their basic needs are met. Beyond immediate assistance, we have prioritized long-term integration and self-sufficiency. Our programs have empowered refugees to secure stable employment, establish businesses, and become active members of their new communities. In addition, by fostering cultural exchange and promoting social integration, we have helped bridge the gap between refugees and the Atlanta community, enabling understanding and building connections. Through partnerships and collaboration, we have strengthened the support network available to refugees in Atlanta. Working closely with local organizations, government agencies, and community leaders has amplified our impact and increased access to vital resources. Our commitment to the Atlanta refugee community remains steadfast, and we will continue to strive for a future where refugees can thrive, find safety, and rebuild their lives.


Save the environment

from pollution

About Our Charity

Together we can
make a difference.

Our structured programmes create the perfect platform for you to see the world, meet like-minded people and engage in meaningful volunteering work.

Shape a future

Volunteering can help you make friends, learn new skills, advance your careers, and even feels happier and healthier future.

Creative reuse

We inspire creative reuse and environmentally sustainable behavior by providing education and affordable materials.

The trusted one

We are an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization with the highest standards in volunteers.

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Our Community's Love for Each Other

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